Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Organizing the Closet

I mentioned in a previous post that a major project of mine in January was to reorganize/clean out my closet. I have a large closet (although not a walk-in, sigh), which I just love. Since I love it, and being organized so much, I spend a lot of time thinking about the system I have for my belongings in it and whether or not it is as efficient as it could be for my needs. 

Therefore, I have spent a lot of time this past month wondering if I like how I have my clothes organized. I can only assume that this means I am not completely happy with my arrangement, but I am not yet willing to completely redo my current set-up. My major dilemma is that it seems most people organize their clothes by color, but I organize mine by most worn (most easy to reach locations), then season (second most accessible based on current weather), then style, then color. I wonder if I should change it to be only by color – completely by color. Does this really work for most people? And if so, would I too like this more? Would I still find this just as specific and useful? How do you organize your closet?


  1. I used to do my closet by color now I just have the outfits already put together first then go by color. Makes getting dressed fast and easy.

  2. Thats Amazinggg!! Check out my blog!

