Saturday, January 1, 2011


Every now and then like to paint my toes in a festive manner; for a season or holiday occasion. Since I haven't done it for a while I decided to do it for winter, with a snowflake on my big toe. I think this dates back to when I was young and on a swim team where we would paint our nails before a race. Only now, instead of painting the nails on my hands I keep it to my toes so I'm not showing them off like a little girl anymore. 

Here's a picture. I need to get a real manicure pen or stencil kit so they can look better. But you get the point. It's still a cute idea. And my 10 month old niece loved them! That's enough affirmation for me.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. How fun! My niece would also love that! :)
